Garlic has been a well known folk remedy for the common cold in Asia and especially Europe.
2 oranges peeled (I like to add a small amount of peel)
5 cloves of garlic – peeled and smashed
Let the garlic sit for 5-15 minutes. This allows the allicin and ajoene (the antibacterial constituent) to become active from the garlic.
¼ Cup honey
Blend all of the ingredients together and pour into a glass. I recommend to drink it with a meal and in a minimum of three doses to prevent nausea.
Garlic is an herb that enhances the immune system.
This does seem like a funny tip if you are actively sick or getting sick so let’s look at the research:
Allicin and ajoene are potent against a variety of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and fungi (Josling, 2001)
Garlic showed potent killing effects within 1 hour against Staphylococcus epidermidis, within 3 hours against Slamonellatyphi, within 1 hour against yeasts, and stronger anti-candidal activity than nystatin.
A water extract of garlic showed broad spectrum antibacterial activity. At a concentration of 5.0 microliters/disc, the extract was active against Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus, Streptococcus faecalis, and Trichomonasvaginalis. Arora & Kaur, 1999; Khan
Garlic (fresh, crushed first) inhibited E. coli, Pseudomonas, Proteus, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, etc.
Sensitive to garlic in vitro: cytomegalovirus, human rhinovirus type 2, herpes simplex 1 and 2, influenza B (Josling, 2001; Guoet al., 1993).
Lissimanet al., 2014 reviewed 8 trials for inhibition and shortening symptoms of the common cold. Only 1 was found to be of suffientquality (Josling, 2001). More studies are needed.
In a PCR survey (n=146; 1 capsule standardized to allicindaily; 12 weeks), Josling(2001) reported that those in the active group had 24 colds diagnosed, and in the placebo group, 65 (p=0.001).
With all of this great research, try making this recipe with your next cold and flu. I even let my kids do it in a small amount. I have found that it helps prevent sickness and even cuts the time down. I have a favorite way of using food as medicine, and in this case, it is an antibiotic food. Have fun, and beware of the garlic breath!